%0 Journal Article %T El rol del capital social del emprendedor en la expansión exitosa de una Start-Up.: El caso de Hipertexto Ltda. - "La Librería de la U" %J Estudios Gerenciales, Vol. 25 No. 113 %D 2009 %@ 01235923 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/view/318 %X This document identifies the role of an entrepreneur's social capital in the company Hipertexto Ltda. in the process of consolidating and positioning the company in the publishing sector. A case study approach is used to identify a set of variables that enhance individual social capital, and to describe their effects on the company's performance. As a final result, we formulate a set of research propositions aimed at contributing to the understanding of the phenomenon being analyzed. We also propose a model that summarizes the dynamics of the exchange of social capital from both an individual and an organizational perspective, and discuss how this dynamic leads to the strengthening of organizational social capital as a sustainable competitive advantage of a company. %K Capital social %K Emprendimiento %K Librerías %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN