%0 Journal Article %T La educación sobre empresas familiares en pregrado, el caso de la Universidad Icesi %J Desarrollo, innovación y cultura empresarial %D 2015 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/77895 %X Due to the high growth that still has the reserarch and guidance about family businesses in the workd scenario, the following paper proposes a general model about family business education with a special attention to undergraduate students. In order to derve it, is taken the case at Universidad Icesi, which has ventured in this area since 1989. The results suggests that a model of family business education must be lead in the university by specialized center in this area and must be supported in four aspects that interact together to influence positively the internal and external scenarios. %K Administración de empresas %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Empresa familiar %K Espíritu empresarial %K Creación de empresas %K Educación empresarial %K Education %K Family business %K Negocios y management %K model %K Business %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN