%0 Journal Article %T Evaluación de la calidad del agua utilizando indicadores ecológicos en el Río Pance, Valle del Cauca-Colombia %D 2009 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/80455 %X The watershed of the river Pance is located in the district Pance, that extends by the geographic Valley of the Cauca river until the Natural National Park of the Farallones of Cali where is born the river over the 3,800 m.s.n.m Pance River main destination of the inhabitants of the city of Santiago de Cali, with estimates that 50,000 people visit each weekend, the river, creating a confluence of households, which produce a significant impact, which when viewed from the economics is a positive, encouraging economic activities in the area, but a negative from an environmental point of view. Before the problematic ones, the following investigation with the aim of evaluating the quality of the water of the Pance River considers taking like impact reference the tourist activities. In order to evaluate the quality of the water of the Pance river the direct observation was used like work methods, the implementation of the Index of Fast Evaluation of Diversity of Habitat (IHD), and the use of indicators of quality of the water through aquatic macroinvertebrates. %K Río Pance (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) %K Proyectos medio ambientales %K Desarrollo sostenible %K Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) %K Biodiversidad %K Ecosistemas %K Gestión ambiental %K Turismo - Valle del Cauca, Colombia %K Aguas residuales %K Contaminación ambiental %K Turismo %K Calidad del agua %K Indicadores ambientales %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN