%0 Journal Article %T Libertad e igualdad en la teoría de la justicia de John Rawls %D 2013 %@ 2322-6900 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/82318 %X The article presents the principles of freedom and equality, and it aims to differentiate within rawlsian theory the way in which those principles are applied; the role played by them in the construction or design of a fair society, and the inconvinients thar arose due to the application in more broad frames, speciffically in the case of openly unequal societies. Moreover, a series of critiques from Amartya Sen’s functioning and capacities approach are considered, as well as the communitarian perspective, and authors as Habermas, Van Parijs, Fisk, Dworkin, among others. %K Derecho %K Equidad (Derecho) %K Law %K Justicia social %K Rawls, John, 1921-2002 %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN