
Ph.D. Magaly Faride Herrera

Length of program

9 semesters and 1 semester of work placement

Investment (semester)

$ 11.570.000 COP

Our focus

Academic Excellence

The graduate will be an integral economist, prepared to interpret with a broad perspective, the economic, social and political phenomena that society faces, and to be able to provide solutions or strategies to improve collective problems, in order to contribute to the increase of social welfare.

The economist from Universidad Icesi will have a versatile and adaptable profile, based on solid and rigorous training in Economics, along with a high level of critical and systemic thought. The program offers also the possibility to choose from three different concentrations such as Public Policies, Finance, and Social Studies, which offers incomparable tools for leadership positions.

Institutional Accreditation

In 2015, the Ministry of National Education granted Icesi University the renewal of the High Quality Institutional Accreditation until 2021. This is a recognition of the permanent commitment of Icesi within the region and the country, to maintain high standards of quality in the development of the functions of training, research and social outreach, as well as administrative support work.

Why study Economics at Icesi University

Fields of Action

Graduates have the ability to work different areas and sectors to experience important jobs, both in the public and private sectors and Multilateral Organizations and Non-Governmental Entities:


Formation lines
  • Languages
  • Disciplinary expertise
  • Professional expertise
  • Science and humanities
  • Citizenship
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