Why you should pursue your master’s at Universidad Icesi?

Since it was founded in 1979, Icesi University has had the support of the corporate sector of Valle de Cauca department, Colombia. The university meets the need for exceptionally-trained leaders who work in the public sector, business, and academia, thereby contributing to the country’s cultural, economic and social progress. Distinguished leaders from the region are part of the university’s Governing Council and its Board of Directors. It has an extensive network of contacts with renowned institutions and universities all over the world.

Multiple disciplines and postgraduate programs: Currently, Icesi University has six schools. Overall, 26 undergraduate programs, 22 master’s programs, 17 medical-surgery specializations and one doctorate are offered, all approved by the Ministry of National Education. The five colleges are: Administrative and Economic Sciences, Engineering, Law and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Health Sciences, and education.

High-quality professors: The professors teaching in the Master of Government have broad professional experience, combining a high level of expertise in sectors such as academia, the public sector, international organizations, NGOs and more. Most of our professors have been formed at the best universities in the world and their broad experience, enrich the university’s active learning strategies.

The Master of Government is backed by the Universidad Icesi’s broad experience, gained through the development of numerous research and social intervention projects related to the public sector. In recent years, Icesi University has experienced a significant increase in its academic production, in terms of both quality and quantity, which has been supported by its academic centers and observatories, including: POLIS, CIES, CIENFI, PROESA and GAPI.

Additionally, this master’s degree also relies on the teacher´s knowledge and experience from different academic programs such as: Political Science, Economics with a concentration in Public Policy, Sociology and Law. This gives to this master degree an interdisciplinary approach that enrich the learning process of our postgraduate students.

International Experiences

Student exchange programs: As part of its educational project, Icesi seeks to develop professionals with abilities they need to understand and take action in a globalized world. For this reason, the university has built a broad network of international contacts, including the International Student Exchange Program membership, which brings together 300 universities in more than 40 countries. Universidad Icesi is the only Colombian university in the program. Thus, Master´s students in Government can get access to any of these exchange programs so that they have an international experience doing at least a semester of their studies aboard.

Mission of International Studies: As part of the training process, Master´s students in Government have the opportunity to participate in missions of international studies. Such opportunity is part of the active learning process developed by Icesi University so that students can learn directly from the experience by personally visiting public and/or private organizations, NGO´s and other policy makers abroad and learning from the interaction with these political actors*Subject to fulfillment of academic requirements and acceptance by the host university. Students are responsible for costs.