School of Engineering and Design

Engineering transforming the world

The School of Engineering works on the four areas of knowledge that have transformed society and the world in the last century. The first area is industrial engineering, which perfects the methods of production and services. Second, industrial design, which makes objects and interfaces more friendly, usable and human focused. Third, biochemical engineering, with its focus on resolving biological, chemical and physical processes. And fourth, information and communication technologies (ICT), which have transformed the world in the last decades.

The school has five academic departments that develop undergraduate and graduate professionals with abilities, technical skills and personal values in aspects related to the four areas of ICT, industrial engineering, biochemical engineering and industrial design.

The School of Engineering is divided into departments and academic programs. The departments work on the previously mentioned four areas of knowledge and the basic sciences to support the university's undergraduate and graduate programs.

The school has six registered undergraduate programs and six registered graduate programs, in addition to working in consulting and continuing education which provide advice and training to organizations in the region.

norha villegas
Dean of the school

Curriculum Vitae


Our Focus

The School of Engineering at Icesi University aims to be recognized by Colombian society, national organizations and academic peers of international prestige, for the excellent education of its graduates, for the increasing visibility of its research results and for the positive impact in its interaction with the region and with the country in the areas of design and engineering.

For this purpose, the School conducts research in the areas of design and engineering, working on the industrial design of products, objects and innovative interfaces to strengthen the industrial capacity of the region. It also works in the improvement and innovation of industrial processes and on innovative developments in information and communication technologies.

La Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Icesi trabaja por ser reconocida por la sociedad colombiana, las organizaciones nacionales y pares académicos de prestigio internacional, por la excelente formación de sus egresados, por la creciente visibilidad de sus resultados de investigación y por el impacto positivo de su interacción con la región y con el país en las áreas del Diseño y la Ingeniería.
Por esto realiza investigación en estos dos campos desde el diseño industrial de productos, objetos, formas en interfaces innovadoras para fortalecer la capacidad industrial de la región. También trabaja en el mejoramiento de los procesos industriales y en desarrollos innovadores en el área de las tecnologías de información y las comunicaciones.

Engineering transforming the world

The School of Engineering works on the four areas of knowledge that have transformed society and the world in the last century. The first area is industrial engineering, which perfects the methods of production and services. Second, industrial design, which makes objects and interfaces more friendly, usable and human focused. Third, biochemical engineering, with its focus on resolving biological, chemical and physical processes. And fourth, information and communication technologies (ICT), which have transformed the world in the last decades.

The school has five academic departments that develop undergraduate and graduate professionals with abilities, technical skills and personal values in aspects related to the four areas of ICT, industrial engineering, biochemical engineering and industrial design.

The School of Engineering is divided into departments and academic programs. The departments work on the previously mentioned four areas of knowledge and the basic sciences to support the university's undergraduate and graduate programs.

The school has six registered undergraduate programs and six registered graduate programs, in addition to working in consulting and continuing education which provide advice and training to organizations in the region.

norha villegas
Dean of the school

Curriculum Vitae


Our Focus

The School of Engineering at Icesi University aims to be recognized by Colombian society, national organizations and academic peers of international prestige, for the excellent education of its graduates, for the increasing visibility of its research results and for the positive impact in its interaction with the region and with the country in the areas of design and engineering.

For this purpose, the School conducts research in the areas of design and engineering, working on the industrial design of products, objects and innovative interfaces to strengthen the industrial capacity of the region. It also works in the improvement and innovation of industrial processes and on innovative developments in information and communication technologies.

La Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Icesi trabaja por ser reconocida por la sociedad colombiana, las organizaciones nacionales y pares académicos de prestigio internacional, por la excelente formación de sus egresados, por la creciente visibilidad de sus resultados de investigación y por el impacto positivo de su interacción con la región y con el país en las áreas del Diseño y la Ingeniería.
Por esto realiza investigación en estos dos campos desde el diseño industrial de productos, objetos, formas en interfaces innovadoras para fortalecer la capacidad industrial de la región. También trabaja en el mejoramiento de los procesos industriales y en desarrollos innovadores en el área de las tecnologías de información y las comunicaciones.

Research Groups

The faculty has three research groups in its three areas of knowledge: in the design area, it has the group called Leonardo; in Industrial Engineering, the group called iCubo (Research in Industrial Engineering); and in Information and Communications Technology, the group i2T (Research in Information Technology and Telecommunications) that recently merged with the group DRISO (Software Engineering Development).

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This design research group aims to create, study and document how design participates in the generation of value and how it promotes environmental, social, economic, cultural and industrial development in the Latin American context.

Research Lines:

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This group contributes to the generation of knowledge and strengthening of the processes of the operational and service industries in the region. It has worked to adapt world-class methods and practices to structure the management and organization of global collaborative operations both academically and for companies in the region.

Research Lines::

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The information technology and telecommunications group has mainly focused on the areas of mobile communications and data networks, contributing to the generation of new knowledge and strengthening the productive capacity of the ICT industry in Southwestern Colombia.

Research Lines:



Profesora del dpto. de Estudios Contables y Financieras participó en conferencia sobre responsabilidad social corporativa en Bogotá

En Bogotá se realizó el tercer Congreso Global en Contabilidad y Finanzas INTERGES, que este año contó con la participación de Stella Maldonado, profesora del Departamento de Estudios Contables y Financieros de la Universidad Icesi. La profesora Maldonado, desarrolló una conferencia sobre la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa.

Más Noticias y Eventos

Centro Bioinc

Promovemos el desarrollo de la región a través de la generación de nuevo conocimiento, la innovación y la transferencia tecnológica, enmarcado dentro de los pilares de la bioeconomía en Colombia.

Juliana Castro Londoño

conoce el centro


Centro InnLab

El Centro de Innab se enfoca en crear experiencias de aprendizaje para estudiantes, profesores y profesionales, explorar nuevas oportunidades de innovación en la industria y diseño de productos, servicios, experiencias, procesos, modelos de negocio y cultura.

Andrés Felipe Naranjo

conoce el centro


Centro de Ciencia de Datos

Generar valor y apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones basadas en datos y evidencia en las organizaciones, generando, articulando y empleando capacidades en Ciencia de Datos.

Gabriel Tamura, PhD

conoce el centro



El Centro Interdisciplinario para la Transformación Digital (CITRADI) es una iniciativa de varios departamentos académicos de cuatro facultades de la Universidad Icesi. CITRADI centra inicialmente su trabajo en tres líneas temáticas. Smart Farming, Ciudades y Territorios Inteligentes y Sostenibles, y educación y transformación digital.

Robin Alberto Castro Gil

conoce el centro


Centro de CENIT

Reducir las brechas tecnológicas en el sector salud a través de la articulación efectiva del sector productivo, la academia y la sociedad; contribuir al fomento, difusión y apropiación de I+D+i y fortalecer la formación, capacitación y entrenamiento de recurso humano de alto nivel en el área de e-Health.



La Facultad de Ingeniería cuenta hoy en día con las siguientes acreditaciones en algunos de sus programas académicos:



La Facultad de Ingeniería cuenta hoy en día con las siguientes alianzas:



La Facultad de Ingeniería cuenta hoy en día con las siguientes acreditaciones en algunos de sus programas académicos:



La Facultad de Ingeniería cuenta hoy en día con las siguientes alianzas: