School of Law and Social Sciences


The School of Law and Social Sciences of the University represents a fundamental cornerstone of Icesi’s institutional transformation over the last two decades. The Faculty brings together the knowledge and experiences that make possible the development of teaching, research and the University’s involvement in the areas of law, anthropology, political science, psychology, sociology, history, philosophy and art.

The School's influence on university life can be grouped into two major fields:

  1. Its participation in the University’s Educational Project through the education of students of the University, regardless of the program in which they study.
  2. The development of teaching, research and consulting in the disciplines of social science, law, intervention, and social and political management.


We transform society from the legal, social, political, aesthetic and cultural areas”

Dean of the School of Law and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae


Our focus

The transformations of the last 20 years, in Colombia and the world, have made it clear that to act responsibly in social life it is necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective.

The faculty works in such a way that alternative responses to social problems can be offered, alternatives that integrate the legal, social, political, aesthetic and cultural perspective in such a way that the problem and society's demands are attended to instead of what academic traditions require.


The School of Law and Social Sciences of the University represents a fundamental cornerstone of Icesi’s institutional transformation over the last two decades. The Faculty brings together the knowledge and experiences that make possible the development of teaching, research and the University’s involvement in the areas of law, anthropology, political science, psychology, sociology, history, philosophy and art.

The School's influence on university life can be grouped into two major fields:

  1. Its participation in the University’s Educational Project through the education of students of the University, regardless of the program in which they study.
  2. The development of teaching, research and consulting in the disciplines of social science, law, intervention, and social and political management.


We transform society from the legal, social, political, aesthetic and cultural areas”

Dean of the School of Law and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae


Our focus

The transformations of the last 20 years, in Colombia and the world, have made it clear that to act responsibly in social life it is necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective.

The faculty works in such a way that alternative responses to social problems can be offered, alternatives that integrate the legal, social, political, aesthetic and cultural perspective in such a way that the problem and society's demands are attended to instead of what academic traditions require.


The faculty members participate in two research groups that have achieved recognition from Colciencias, the Colombian government agency that encourages, registers and reports quality research carried out in universities and research centers. The publications, research plans, as well as the members of the group can be consulted in the register of research groups of Colciencias. The faculty has a policy that all members must belong to one of the research groups, and their resumes must remain updated in the Colciencias database.

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Interdisciplinary Group of Sociocultural and Psychological Studies - Nexos (Colciencias code: COL0048339)

The group works, on the one hand, on the follow-up of different theoretical and empirical developments concerning the construction of democracy in the country, and seeks to articulate the conceptualization of politics, with the study of cultural, political and legal practices in the configuration of the region, without losing sight of its local, national and global relations. On the other hand, it attempts to understand the processes of social, economic, technological and legal transformation of organizations, as well as the conflicts derived from these transformations and their social, moral and legal consequences, for individuals and associated local and global communities.

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Precedent - Critical Perspectives of Law (Colciencias code: COL0080435)

This group is organized by discipline, with the purpose of strengthening legal research. Its work focuses on two avenues: the first one has been devoted to elaborating studies of critical legal dogmatics, in the areas of public and private law. Although the distinction between public and private is recognized as useful for the understanding and operation of law, at the same time, the processes of transformation of the state and of the Law justify a vision that goes beyond the traditional.
The second line of work is equally critical in nature, but it focuses on descriptive and evaluative work in various areas of law.



Profesora del dpto. de Estudios Contables y Financieras participó en conferencia sobre responsabilidad social corporativa en Bogotá

En Bogotá se realizó el tercer Congreso Global en Contabilidad y Finanzas INTERGES, que este año contó con la participación de Stella Maldonado, profesora del Departamento de Estudios Contables y Financieros de la Universidad Icesi. La profesora Maldonado, desarrolló una conferencia sobre la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa.

Más Noticias y Eventos


Centro CIES

El CIES tiene un equipo de investigadores de alta calidad, provenientes de diferentes disciplinas y diversas trayectorias y prácticas de investigación. Ellos diseñan, desarrollan y evalúan proyectos disciplinares e interdisciplinares de investigación, que aportan a la identificación, la reflexión, al conocimiento y la intervención en problemas relevantes para la ciudad y la región, que estén relacionados con procesos y situaciones de carácter nacional e internacional.

Enrique Rodriguez Caporalli
555-23-34 Ext. 8503

conoce el centro


Centro de Estudios Afrodiaspóricos

El centro de Estudios Afrodiaspóricos de la Universidad Icesi promueve la innovación, la investigación, la enseñanza y la intervención pública en aspectos relacionados con las historias, las culturas, las políticas y la producción del conocimiento de las diáspora Africana.

Aurora Vergara Figueroa
555-23-34 Ext. 8822

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Consultorio Jurídico y el Centro de Conciliación

El Consultorio Jurídico y el Centro de Conciliación de la Universidad Icesi ofrecen servicios de asistencia legal gratuita a todas las personas de escasos recursos económicos que así lo soliciten de conformidad con las estipulaciones legales vigentes sobre el particular.

Luz Mariela Sánchez Ladino
555-23-34 Ext. (N/A)

conoce el centro


Grupo de Acciones Públicas de Icesi

El Grupo de Acciones Públicas de Icesi, GAPI, es la clínica jurídica de derechos humanos e interés público, de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Icesi. Fue fundada en el 2008 por iniciativa de la profesora Diana Patricia Quintero del Departamento de Estudios Jurídicos, y con el apoyo de Paula Andrea Cerón, egresada del Programa de Derecho de la Universidad.

Gabriela Recalde Castañeda
58821093 Ext. 112

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Laboratorio Etnográfico

Este es un blog dedicado a compartir la mirada antropológica con audiencias más amplias. Somos un grupo de estudiantes y profesores del Programa de Antropología de la Universidad Icesi interesados en construir un canal de comunicación para la comunidad académica y la comunidad en general. Se espera que este blog cuente con la activa participación de todos ustedes para compartir información relevante sobre el Laboratorio Etnográfico, así como debatir asuntos de actualidad en el pensamiento antropológico.

Daniella Castellanos Montes
Teléfono: 555 2334

conoce el centro


Consultorio de Atencion Psicosocial

El Consultorio de Atención Psicosocial (CAPsi) es un espacio de formación, investigación e intervención que responde a las problemáticas de salud mental y de exclusión social de sectores vulnerables de nuestra ciudad. Entre sus objetivos están: Ofrecer un servicio profesional gratuito de atención y orientación psicológica a poblaciones económica y socialmente vulnerables; y formar a los estudiantes del Programa de Psicología en intervención clínico-comunitaria.

Ximena Castro
Teléfono: 882 10 93 Ext. 101

conoce el centro


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Contamos hoy en día con las siguientes alianzas, convenio y membresias