In recent years, sports and fitness trends have gained much ground in the world. So much so that these trends have managed to transcend into a lifestyle. Sports Innovation, Big Data in sport and inclusive Technologies: University science ICESI a passion that raised the following themes is not far behind and it shows with EUDII Sports.



In recent years, competition in the sport has become increasingly fierce, meeting athletes who take this activity to another level of competition. A cornerstone in this achievement has been innovation in materials, formulations and designs. The innovation process marks a before and after in the way the sport is practiced in the future also holds even more radical changes.



Currently, Big Data is one of the most important issues worldwide by the large number of applications in medicine, marketing, logistics and production. The sport has not been left behind in this area and has found macrodata a means to develop better athletes and increase their performance levels. That's why this symposium will be discussed how to obtain, store and analyze massive data in sport, and show its advantages through success stories.



Today, technological advances have allowed people with disabilities join the sport reaching significant achievements, opening the way to participate in its category just outside. The architects of this are the sports equipment for people with disabilities, such as mechanical carbon fiber prosthesis, wheelchairs speed, hydraulic knee, among others. Understanding the technology behind them will be great learning experience for the assistant community towards a more inclusive society.

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