10 benefits of playing chess

Chess is a game of strategy that is played every day all over the world. If you have never played it you might think that it is too difficult and complicated for you. However, understanding the basic rules of the game is not so difficult, and in a short time you can enjoy playing it. Besides, you will always find people at your same level to play, and in case you decide to really improve, you can try to find a chess grandmaster who wants to be your chess trainer, nowadays it is possible to find both opponents to play with and a chess coach over the internet. So you have no excuse not to start playing and thus be able to take advantage of the benefits of playing chess. Here you can read only 10 of them, but we assure you that there are many more.

10 benefits of learning and playing chess

1. Chess can bring people closer together.

Chess is one of the oldest games in history, with more than 1500 years. Chess spread all over the world and changed, until it became the game we know today. This journey brought together people from different cultures, ages and professions, uniting them in a passion for the game.

2. Chess teaches how to win and lose.

Everybody loves to win, of course, but learning to accept failure is equally important. As they say, sometimes you teach a lesson and other times you are taught a lesson! The most important thing is to learn from these lessons and become a stronger and more resilient player. As in life, we need support as we face setbacks and become stronger and wiser. The ability to win is an important character trait that can be acquired through chess. The ability to accept mistakes and learn from them, too.

3. Chess helps children to understand the consequences of their actions. 

In the last decade, chess in schools has had a great boom all over the world. It is not so important that children become good chess players or get high marks, because what is important is that chess teaches children from an early age that their choices can have both good and bad consequences. By reflecting on their moves and trying to find the most appropriate one, they improve. They realize that playing too fast and making hasty decisions can get you into trouble.

4. Chess helps you to concentrate.

As Bobby Fischer said: “Chess requires total concentration”. A chess player can make 30 moves at grandmaster level, and then be distracted by the 31st move and allow an elementary mistake that will make him lose the game. Learning to concentrate is useful in life when faced with school tasks, daily responsibilities and deadlines at work.

5. Chess is a great learning tool for schools.

Chess lessons before, during and after school are very popular and for a good reason. Chess is a low-cost activity for children that can be done at school. Children from different ages and backgrounds and with different needs can play together in a chess class or club.

6. Chess helps to develop creativity.

It is said that a person?s personality manifests itself in his chess game. A modest and passive person can play more restrained, while a sociable and adventurous person can attack with more daring. A wonderful property of chess is that it gives everyone the opportunity to express their personality and characteristics. Your creativity will find an outlet in the moves of the chess pieces, plans and combinations on the board in the way you want.

7. Chess generates confidence.

Your chess game is your reflection. You spend time studying, participating in tournaments, analysing losses and looking for your weaknesses. All this work generates a sense of confidence and self-knowledge. Working in chess, even in difficult moments when your level does not improve, helps you to develop self-confidence.

8. Chess teaches you to solve problems.

In every game of chess you are faced with challenges and problems, which you must solve in order to win. Chess can help you to plan for the future. It teaches you to take time to make decisions and weigh up the pros and cons. We make the same decisions in our daily lives. As in chess, we try to make the best decisions to improve our quality of life.

9. Chess trains both hemispheres of the brain.

When you play chess, your brain tries to solve logical problems, recognize patterns, make decisions visually and analytically and test your memory. Chess can be enjoyed at any age. As a result, brain training can improve your health for life – an active brain is a healthy brain!

10. Chess helps you to stay calm under pressure.

 You sacrifice pieces and pawns, you run out of time, but you need to make critical decisions to win… Such a tense game of chess teaches you to stay calm under pressure. You need to be concentrated and calm to keep your brain working at its best. We have all faced critical deadlines, presentations, interviews and tests throughout our lives. As in chess, we must maintain confidence and do our best.


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