The term “medical tourism” refers to when patients travel abroad for the purpose of obtaining health care that does not is an emergency. Dental tourism” is a sub-group of “tourism medical” that is becoming more popular as an alternative for patient care. In discussions on the subject, the The American Dental Association Steering Committee has stated that
dental tourism is a symptom of reduced access to care of the highest cost of healthcare in dental plans sponsored by the employer to the patient, and from the “flattening of the world in terms of the rise of a truly and the ease of travel abroad. A key concern is the consistency of the quality of care provided to other countries.
In a report on the globalization of healthcare presented by the American Dental Association, it was noted that the patients have sought medical care outside their countries origin for many years, so in this sense, “tourism Medical” is not new. The report states: “As the quality of health care improved in many parts of the world, which is good, some patients in the United States now travel abroad to obtain quality “expensive” medical care acceptable at a lower cost. This medical tourism in which the Americans seek “first-world health care at a price of the third world” involves a small number of people now, but it has the potential to grow. Increasingly, agencies are offering packages known as “vacations that combine elective care with vacation travel in another country.
Reva Health Network is an online resource and search engine that promotes medical tourism. Reva estimates that each year, more than 2.5 million people worldwide search the Internet information about dental treatments abroad. Reva receives approximately 600 information requests per week only about dental tourism. The data collected by Reva shows that patients who choose to receive care outside their countries of origin seek to have the following procedures done: implants (27%), dental veneers (20%), crowns (16%), whitening
dental (11%), bridges (9%), braces (6%) and other treatments (11%).
The favorite destinations for dental tourists are: Hungary (31%), Mexico (18%), Poland (17%), Thailand (9%), Turkey (7%), Spain (5%) and other countries (13%).
Why Mexico?
For dental patients from the United States, Mexico is an especially appealing destination when it comes to dental health. It is their closest country, especially for those who live in the southern states. From there it is easy to get there. Finding a Tijuana dentist is for many U.S. citizens more convenient than doing it in their own country.
Crossing the border to access Tijuana dental solutions, not only can be much cheaper, but it can also turn a visit to the dentist into a real tourist and pleasure trip.
Questions patients should consider
Patients who are thinking of traveling abroad to receive dental care should consider the following when taking your decision:
Are you in good oral health and your teeth are in good status?
While planning your trip abroad for an implant or restoration of a crown, before traveling, you must resolve any dental problem, cavity, broken filling or complete any dental treatment in progress. A dentist abroad can be willing to treat conditions in addition to the problem for which the patient seeks care, but the additional care that your plan The dental care may be covered in the United States as routine care, may not be covered if performed abroad or will not be covered as extensively as if it were received in your country.
How does your plan cover care received “outside the provider network”?
A dental plan may pay for a portion of the care given by a dentist abroad or may not cover it. For a dental plan that allows enrollees to obtain care of “out-of-network” providers, does it include coverage of treatments performed outside the United States? Also, some
important, does your dental plan cover repairs if something goes wrong or if it is necessary to repeat a procedure carried out outside the State United?
What are the risks of trying to get a procedure abroad?
The attraction of dental tourism is the ability to receive treatment which can be expensive in the United States at a much higher cost than in another country. Therefore, most people who seek dental care abroad also seek care.
What are the risks related to the use of the with such complex care? and are you prepared to respond to those risks if they were to occur in another country? What are your rights when receiving care in the foreigner? What resources will you have regarding the appeal option, the possibility of receiving corrective care or to present any legal claim if the treatment you receive is not acceptable or if there is Is there a process to prevent complications after treatment? express complaints or a method of obtaining a refund if you are not satisfied with your treatment? Although a dental plan may cover a portion of the care received abroad, can your plan intercede on your behalf with the dentist abroad if the care What are your rights in this regard?
What questions should I ask the overseas dentist before accepting treatment?
There are some questions that the California Dental Association advises to do before going to a dentist abroad. If you can get a good response from them, go ahead and take advantage of dental tourism to save money:
– Will complications be treated at no cost to me?
– Is there any guarantee of the procedure performed during a (e.g. Is a crown or a crowning device guaranteed? bridge for up to 5 years?)
– What professional accreditation does the dentist have? of any professional organization?
– How will follow-up appointments be made (some dentists foreigners have offices or associations with dentists international)
– Do you have malpractice insurance?
– Can you give some references?
– How many years have you practiced?
– What type of anesthesia will you use?
– How long after treatment will you be able to travel back
to your country?