Nov 01 2009

BSG – Battlestar Galactica

Published by at 23:15 under Inglés,Serie

Battlestar Galactica – BSG

“Battlestar Galactica (often abbreviated as BSG or just Galactica) is a military science fiction serial drama television series and part of the Battlestar Galactica franchise. The show was created by David Eick and Ronald D. Moore as a re-imagining of the Battlestar Galactica television series from 1978 created by Glen A. Larson.”

Fuente: Wikipedia : Battlestar Galactica

***** … *****

Battlestar Galactica
1978 – 1980

“The story arc of Battlestar Galactica is set in a distant part of the galaxy, where a civilization of humans live on a series of planets known as the Twelve Colonies. In the past, the Colonies had been at war with a cybernetic race known as the Cylons. With the unwitting help of a human named Gaius Baltar, the Cylons launch a sudden ambush on the Colonies, laying waste to the planets and devastating their populations. The handful of human survivors flee into space aboard any spacecraft they can reach. Of all the Colonial Fleet, the Battlestar Galactica appears to be the only military capital ship that survived the attack. Under the leadership of famed military leader Commander William “Bill” Adama, the Battlestar Galactica and its crew take up the task of leading the small fugitive fleet of survivors into space in search of a fabled refuge known as Earth.”

Fuente : Wikipedia: Battlestar Galactica

***** … *****

Battlestar Galactica

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