
Carolina Orozco Donneys

Length of program

9 semesters and 1 internship semester

Investment (semester)

$ 11.570.000 COP

Our approach

The academic program of biochemical Engineering has been designed following the highest international standards of quality to form professionals that are allying with the CDIO worldwide initiative ( The CDIO is a proposition developed for the best universities worldwide for the innovative design of the engineering program. Where Icesi University takes part).

The University embodies professionals with a solid technical base, as well as profound ethical values, professionals with integrity, with a wide optics of their surroundings, capable of investigating, innovating, and self-actualizing throughout their life. Its high-quality faculty, first-rate physical infrastructure, and laboratories support modern biochemical processes.


In December of 2021, the national ministry of education from Colombia re-establish for the following 8 years this distinction. This renewal for the high-quality institutional accreditation, is a permanent recognition of the ongoing compromise from Icesi towards the region and the country, to keep high-quality standards in the development of the function of formation, investigation, and social extension, along with administrative assignments.

Moreover, the university has obtained high-quality accreditation for all the accreditable programs, as they acquire the antiquity requirements stipulated by the ministry; some of these programs have been accredited, one or more times.

Why study Biochemical engineering?

The program educational objectives

The program educational objectives (PEO) describe what is expected, from the graduates of the program, a few years after their graduation. These objectives are designed aligned with the necessities amongst the program groups. The PEO's of the Biochemical Engineering program are consistent with the mission of Icesi University and are reviewed periodically, following a clearly defined process, which in turn is part of the quality assurance process of the program.

The educational objectives of Icesi University's Biochemical Engineering program are set out below: Within five years of graduation, graduates of Icesi University's Biochemical Engineering program will be able to:

  1. Use of the skills in the design of bioprocesses to lead the development of bio-based industries in the region.
  2. Be recognized by industry for their competencies to operate, control, and continuously improve bio-based transformation processes.
  3. Effectively solve bioprocess and biotechnology engineering problems through communication skills and abilities in collaborative and multidisciplinary teams.
  4. Be recognized as engineers of high ethical responsibility and honesty in the development and operation of biologically based processes.

In order for our graduates to achieve these educational goals, sometime after graduation, the program is committed to a continuous improvement process that seeks to ensure that our students develop eleven competencies set out below:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complicated engineering problems using engineering, scientific, and mathematics principles.
  2. An ability to use engineering design to create solutions that satisfy specific demands while keeping public health, safety, and welfare in mind, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic issues.
  3. The ability to effectively communicate with a variety of audiences.
  4. An understanding of ethical and professional duties in engineering circumstances and the capacity to make educated decisions that take into account the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to work effectively on a team in which all members give leadership, foster a collaborative and inclusive environment, set goals, schedule tasks, and fulfill objectives
  6. An ability to design and carry out relevant experiments, evaluate and interpret data, and derive engineering conclusions.
  7. The ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed through the use of appropriate learning procedures.

Fields of action

Industry of fermentative and enzymatic processes

  • Food industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Industry for the production of new biofuels
  • Agribusiness Industry
  • Solid and liquid waste treatment plants

Graduate Profile

The biochemical engineer from Icesi university will be formed to propound solutions to the needs of the diverse productive sectors (alimentary, energetic, pharmaceutics, chemical) relying on their capacities to conceive, analyze, design, and operate processes of biochemical transformation. For the obtainment of biotechnological products, they will be able to apply the principles of the basic sciences, in addition to the bioprocess engineering and modeling resources in any kind of industrial process.

Finally, for their effective communication capacities, critical thinking, and ethical responsibility they will be able to perform in multidisciplinary teams whose objective is to develop processes that guarantee high productivity and sustainability.

Our numbers

In the following, you will be able to find the total number of students enrolled each semester in the biochemical engineering program, together with the number of graduates in the last five years.

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Formation lines
  • Languages
  • Disciplinary expertise
  • Professional expertise
  • Science and humanities
  • Citizenship